The Jungle Garden

The Jungle Garden (& house) are now sold & won't be opening again. What was in The Jungle Garden?

A multi-level suburban garden with jungle style planting areas and accents of hot tropical colour all connected by boardwalks and bark paths. Crown lifted trees created an overhead canopy & you could walk underneath mad, huge Gunnera leaves, & brush past bamboos - adventure, exploration!

There were two Ponds; a small lower pond crossed by wooden walkway skimming the surface, whilst the upper pond with Koi Carp was overlooked from a raised deck and a sunken walkway gave closer views of the Koi. An elevated ‘Jungle Lodge’ allowed views over the garden and a raised walkway snaked through the branches giving different high level views over the garden.

The jungle paths were narrow and you had to brush plants out of the way to make progress. There were some steep steps and frequent changes in level. Above all it was a fun garden – we weren't too serious about it all - and there was something to make you smile around each corner.


Gardening is an exercise in optimism. Sometimes, it is a triumph of hope over experience. - Marina Schinz